Archive for April 2021
Episode 4 – Who is Your Ideal Client
Are you using everything you know about your ideal client to market yourself? Most speakers authors and coaches don’t. They think it’s enough to know just the basics. But you can’t do effective marketing on the back of that. You have to know, really know, them – and then use what you know to make…
Read MoreWhat To Consider When Creating An App
As the world turns up the focus on digital products, businesses are getting creative on how to engage their prospects and customers via technology. For many people, having an app in their product range remains a distant dream, as they believe that it will cost them the world to develop, or they just don’t know…
Read MoreThree areas that make you an expert
Positioning yourself well is a key to standing out. But what if you don’t feel ‘expert’ enough to do that? Let us help you with that! Whether you are a seasoned speaker, author, coach or you are just starting out, you can still get caught in the trap of feeling you don’t know enough, you don’t…
Read MoreEpisode 3 – How to Ask for Help
Working as a speaker, author or coach can be a lonely business, and we can get conditioned into being the expert. It’s a double-edged woe because we then stop ourselves asking for the help and information we need to make the most of our businesses, and it makes us more isolated! In this episode, we…
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