Having the confidence to create a culture & vibe in your true leadership style is a key first step

It's essential to know the purpose of your group and how it supports your product range & marketing

Tech is what holds many people back so we hand-hold you with recorded behind the scenes videos of the various Facebook settings & set up choices

Worried that you'll run out of content? We provide you with content plans, inspiration & research of the posts that get the most engagement

Whether it be your first 100 or 1000 members, our strategies help you achieve consistent organic growth. We also train you on how to monetise or sell your services in your group

We've included a directory of over 200 FB groups specifically for speakers, authors & coaches to increase your reach, guides on CRM systems that work with FB and top hacks to grow your group
Ready to Grow your Facebook Group That Gives Back?
A comprehensive, honest, and actionable as any material I have ever seen! Covering the entirety of why to start a group, what to do before you start, how to get and keep going, surviving the growth stages and creating a community with value, purpose and a life of its own, this material leaves nothing out.
Jason Antalek
Having specialised in community building since 2013, I know this course has absolutely everything you need to start and grow a Facebook Group. I loved the mix of clear and concise trainings , downloadable worksheets and actionable steps. I'm also big on authenticity and Kelly and Helena do not disappoint. They have built from the ground up a massively engaged Facebook Group and they are therefore more than qualified to teach on this topic.
Claire Louise Perry
This course simply captures practically and effectively each stage of not only building a thriving Facebook group but also how to engage it, nature it and ensure that in the end people buy from you too.
Elliot Kay
Whatever Stage You Are At...
We leave no stone unturned in this course, whether you haven't started your group yet or whether you have hot a ceiling of growth, or don't know how to monetise or manage your group - we've got your back!
Based On What We've Done Ourselves
We don't teach anything that we haven't done ourselves, so we know it works! Our group The Connection Hub - For Speakers, Authors & Coaches has over 10,000 members with NO PAID ADVERTISEMENT & has consistently had engagement of 75-82% throughout our growth, and most of our product sales comes from our group members.

This programme is designed to let you discover why and how a Facebook Group can fit into your business, and how you can authentically show up and run it, in a way that does not take over your life.
It’s focused specifically for Speakers, Authors and Coaches who want to grow their reach, impact and income through building a connected community.
With 1.73 billion daily users on Facebook – we know that your ideal clients are using it. The trick is knowing how your group serves BOTH your ideal clients and your business. When you know the purpose behind your group, you understand where it sits in your business model and marketing strategy, and that determines what TYPE of group you need and can build.
This programme is a step by step process that will help you understand why you need a group, what it will do for you, the practicalities of setting up your group in a way that works for you, what content you need to share and what you can do to get your members engaging and connecting.