Amanda Rodriguez

Denver, United States
What I'm looking for:

Opportunities for workshops, speaking, and private clients.

What I can offer:

I put my whole heart into how I serve my clients. You get my very best. I’m consistent. I will show up.

I have a roadmap that takes parents from fear, confusion, frustration and worry to confidence and peace in their relationship with their children in less than 4 months.

Personal Bio:

Amanda is a certified and skilled parent coach with the Jai Institute for Parenting. Clients say she “radiates encouragement, will celebrate your successes no matter how small, and will show up for you extremely prepared yet ready to pivot based on your needs. She brings empathy and understanding to every session.” Client testimonials also include results-driven feedback such as:

“I would not have made the progress I did without Amanda as my coach,” and

“I am without question a better parent today than I was three months ago.”

Amanda cares deeply about supporting all types of families to stay connected from birth through adulthood and to create the best environment for their children to thrive in.

Contact Information: