Andrea Malam

London, United Kingdom
What I'm looking for:

I made my passion into my purpose thus making a difference.
As an avid researcher, and woman not afraid of challenges, I have over 20 years of knowledge and experience in responding to time-critical, crises.
By nature, I am a curious person with a fascination for learning more and being able to use that knowledge to make a difference in my environment and community.
If it’s one thing that I would like to share with individuals worldwide it is this. I believe that everyone can use a strong one in their environment.

What I can offer:

I support various projects helping hundreds of under privileged children and women worldwide. Fundraising and Charity Work changed the way I saw the world. It has changed the course of my life.

I am passionate about making a difference to the lives of others. Having lost family and friends to terminal illness and being able to counsel them in their hour of need. I have over 20 years of experience responding to time critical crises situations in an effective manner.

I use the principles of Emotional Intelligence getting the kids, youth, and families to stay focused in the purpose. Taking charge of your own life and standing in your own power, authenticity, and integrity. Being a humanitarian and an EI expert, this is done by concentrating on what we can do or achieve and not focus on what we cannot do.

Personal Bio:

I am the Founder of a charity called Saving Dreams, that gives back to the community and provides life-altering experiences for many in need.

I am also a published author of Saving Dreams, co-author of The New Woman, a crown medal recipient for exemplary service for my role in law enforcement for protecting the public, an award-winning charity and volunteer ambassador, public speaker, diversity role model, recipient of the International Women Achiever Award in 2021, the Women of the World Lifetime Achievement Award in 2020, the SHEUK Highly Commended Community Champion in 2021 and SHEUK Highly Commended Valiant Volunteer Award in 2020 and an ambassador for supporting dreamers to achieve their goals in life and walking confidently in the direction of their dreams.

I am an achiever, a believer, and widely known as a superwoman with an incredibly empathetic spirit. My mission is to help others truly believe in themselves and recognize that when they do, life is opened up to infinite possibilities.

Contact Information: