Gerdi Verwoert

What I'm looking for:

To support leaders, who are visionaries, creatives, changemakers, rulebreakers and more, who need and want to step back from their stressful life for a short while and immerse themselves in the quiet and calm of Nature in order to reconnect with their Self, their body and their mission.

What I can offer:

Online coaching and training, but my zone of genius lies in reconnecting people with their Self, their body and their mission by taking them into Nature, especially mountains, for a 3-5 coaching / trekking tour, one-on-one or in small groups. Trekking tours that are doable for anyone who can go on at least 4 hour walks in the area where they live.

Personal Bio:

I guide leaders who are visionaries, change makers, rulebreakers and others, who feel stuck in the frustrating DO-ing of every day life and work, into quiet, expansive mountains to reconnect with their Self, their body and their vision.

The mountains are a magical place; uniquely suited to help us slow down, be present and get a different perspective on life.

A former project manager & consultant with 20+ years of experience, I am trained as a certified life coach as well as a certified mountain hiking guide. I have a special gift for taking people on trails – in mountains and in life – they would never think of walking by themselves. I have a talent for both challenging and helping them reach heights they didn’t think themselves capable of.

Contact Information: