Graham Frost

Birmingham, United Kingdom
What I'm looking for:

I’m looking for opportunities to speak in schools, colleges and universities, to inspire young people to make Heart-Shaped Decisions and have the life that they are capable of.
I’m also looking for opportunities to work with young offenders to help them to make better, more positive decisions.
I’m available for face to face and virtual work in the UK and anywhere English is understood.

What I can offer:

I can offer a 30 minute to one hour keynote talk for groups between 20-200 on Heart-Shaped Decisions.
I can also offer individual workshops or a series of workshops which will encourage young people to make positive decisions and hold each other accountable for those decisions.

Personal Bio:

Hello, I’m Graham Frost.

I was born into a fundamentalist cult in 1956. From an early age, I knew the life my family had planned for me wasn’t what I wanted for myself.

I left my entire family and support network aged 17, and went off into the world in search of a new life.

By the age of 19, I was in a young offenders’ institution – this was not repeated!

Then I recovered from testicular cancer before I was 25.

It’s a unique story, and has been called inspiring.


