Hannah Jago

Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
What I'm looking for:

I’m looking to connect with people who want their comfort zones challenged, who want a change and someone who will hold them accountable but gently too. Life changes take time and need nurturing. I like to share my “assets and liabilities” talk with people who are open minded to really embracing the changes needed in their lives to create the best version of themselves.

What I can offer:

I offer 121 business mentoring on a volunteer basis currently, enabling others to find the solutions they need to make their business flourish. I also do this with individuals who want to really grow and change as a person, by sharing my own experiences and skills and helping others embrace what they need to do to get to where they want to be. This may be through additional businesses, to earn extra income or to enable them to fulfil their passions. It may be encouraging them engage in personal development, something that has helped me massively in these transition years.

Personal Bio:

I have a long and varied background and expertise in retail management, customer service and use these skills to share my knowledge as a volunteer business mentor from time to time. I currently partner with several amazing businesses helping people in health and wealth areas. My main aim in life is to help people become an asset rather than a liability to themselves and their future, through wellness and wealth. The knowledge I share about these topics usually helps people open their minds to the possibilities where life may have kept them stuck up until now. Being a recovering alcoholic of 9 years from day 1, I have experience in this area of the route to wellness and the steps I took, and continue to make every day.

I’m a creative artist, musician, mother, nanny to 4 boys too, wife, sister, daughter, and what most people say about me is….inspirer! Oh and being a purple pixie!

Contact Information:
Company Name
Hannah Jago