Jacalyn Mains

Independence, United States
What I'm looking for:

Conferences, workshops and retreats looking to uplift, encourage, support and cheer on women to embrace their uniqueness and claim their power!
Or events, conferences, workshops, lunch & learns focused on enriching lives and leave moms with a lasting impact of confidence, self-worth, and motivation to go after their dreams!

What I can offer:

My wheelhouse of speaking topics for women are the following:
1) How to be confident in your decisions as a wife, mother, sister and Christian and ditch comparing yourself to other women.
2) How to pour into your family from a place of abundance so that it leaves room to model and teach your children self-confidence, self-love and self-awareness.
3) To be at peace for asking for help and what you need without feeling weak or not enough for not being able to do it all on your own.
4) To say goodbye to the self-sabotaging thoughts of not being enough: as a mother, wife, friend, sister and Christian because you are solid in who you are.
5) To make your yeses count by saying no to the things that take away your capacity to be the best version of you as a mother, wife, sister, Christian and friend.
6) Becoming a solid, unshaken women raising solid, unshaken children.

I’m also available for smaller break out group sessions.

Personal Bio:

I’m a spicy Italian momma of two teens, wife of 20 years, founder of the Strong Sisterhood Society and creator of The Ditch Your Doubt Project e-course, who loves Jesus, her wine and her people hard.

I truly believe that if we, as women, could fully own who we are and how we are uniquely created with God-given gifts, talents, passions, and strengths, that we would then be free to see other women, not as our competition, but as our sisters- to be uplifted, encouraged, and cheered on!  And what an amazingly strong sisterhood we would then be!

After years of seeing so many moms struggle with feeling like they don’t measure up due to what society and social media says we are supposed to be- I call it “the everything” mom- my heart hurt for women and I knew I had to combat this message.

Through connecting with women, my own journey recovering from being a comparison trap glutton, my education background and working as a social and emotional interventionist, I took what I learned and teach women:

  1.  How to be confidence in their decisions as a wife, mother, sister and Christian and ditch comparing themselves to other women.
  2.  Pour into their family from a place of abundance so that it leaves room to model and teach their children self-confidence, self-love and self-awareness.
  3.  To be at peace for asking for help and what they need without feeling weak or not enough for not being able to do it all on their own.
  4.  To say goodbye to the self-sabotaging thoughts of not being enough: as a mother, wife, friend, sister and Christian because you are solid in who you are.
  5.  To make your yeses count by saying no to the things that take away your capacity to be the best version of you as a mother, wife, sister, Christian and friend.
  6. Becoming a solid, unshaken woman raising solid, unshaken children.

This message of loving yourself so that you can better love others runs deep into my veins.  It’s how God designed me and spreading this message to struggling women is one way I am fulfilling my purpose.

Contact Information: