Joy Sackett Wood

Bournemouth, United Kingdom
What I'm looking for:

I am looking to promote my book through talks, podcasts, and events. In this way to develop and evolve my therapeutic business and do less 1 to 1 work. I would also like to develop and create more passive income. Promote my online courses and training in order to reach, help and support as many possible.

What I can offer:

I can offer appropriate support to those suffering the loss of a loved one through my book, talks and online individual and small group coaching and training sessions. I have created a ‘Building Personal Resilience through Grief and Loss’ course, as outlined in my book as well as an ‘Understanding the Complexity of Grief and Loss’ training sessions for either individuals or businesses to support colleagues, staff and employees appropriately through their grief which has proven to be financially cost effective.

Personal Bio:

I am an experienced psychotherapist, counsellor, relationship  and grief transformation coach. Within my private practice since 2008 I support clients through trauma and pain to transform their lives from a place of grief and darkness to a positive and resilient future.
In December 2020 my book, ‘From Hole to Whole – Embracing the Transformational Power of Grief and Loss’ was published and became a #1 Amazon Best Seller.

Instinctively entrepreneurial by nature and with a varied and diverse professional background I have worked among many occupations and businesses within the fashion industry as a designer, have a degree in philosophy and theology and PGCE and taught Cultural Studies and RE in the education sector for over twenty five years before transferring my skills to my present ever evolving therapeutic work.

