Julie Tushingham

Kent, United Kingdom
What I'm looking for:

To help professionals who are passionate about building an authentic and responsible reputation for themselves and their organisations.
To utilise 20 years USA work experience to provide cultural insight as an in-house coach. Helping leaders grow their teams organically, saving on recruiting costs and lost production time.
Help professionals take control of their lives, instead of being a bystander and passively accepting what life dishes ou
As we become more consumer aware I want to be interviewed or speak about what I do
Use my crisis response expertise to help organisations pro-actively plan their crisis response strategy and provide support during crisis response

What I can offer:

My coaching business is a full-time job for me. I am flexible in my working hours and I’m willing to travel.
I can offer 1-2-1 coaching packages in person or online along with personality profiling, coaching tools and a positive, motivating environment for the client to achieve what matters most to them.
I have created a simple guide to building a responsible reputation and will be launching a private FB group to support professionals who want to learn how to step up into opportunities and advocate for themselves.
I offer a professional, motivating and insightful coaching experience that challenges my clients and keeps them on track to achieve the visibilty, influence and recognition necessary to making their next career move

Personal Bio:

Julie Tushingham is an experienced reputation and business coach. She founded Julie Tushingham Coaching and helps forward thinking professionals build trust and credibility so they are prepared to respond authentically and responsibly in all situations, including crisis. With 20 years’ experience leading PR and communication for global blue-chip companies, She’s an expert in reputation management, branding and crisis response, and created ‘Responsive Reputation’™ a system that supports responsible, aligned crisis response, preparing professionals to handle every situation purposefully and with ease.
Julie works in a professional, motivating and compassionate environment. 100% of her clients report an increase in clarity, direction and motivation.

Julie also loves spending time with her family, walking her dog and participating in productions with her local amateur drama group.
Julie is an accredited coach and crisis communications responder.

Contact Information:
Company Name
Julie Tushingham Reputation & Business Coaching Ltd