Kim Vermaak

Sandton, South Africa
What I'm looking for:

New authors who don’t know how to start and set up their author’s career and profiles.
Speaking engagements about following your dream, finding purpose and having a fulfilling life.
Coaching for authors who need accountability coaching.

What I can offer:

I offer a Launch Your Author Career Course.
I do monthly coaching sessions.
Social media audits.
Changing your mindset from a hobbyist writer to a full-time author.

Personal Bio:


Is fear holding you back?

Where do you start?

I have been an entrepreneur for over 20 years.

My passion is to help authors who want to earn a living from writing to get started. In 2003 I won the BWA/Nedbank Regional Start up Business of the Year.

I have walked the gruelling life of an entrepreneur with all its pain and passion.

I have learned a thing or two about building a new project.

I have seen how many entrepreneurs work themselves towards a stroke, poor family relationships, and become slaves to their work while building someone else’s dream.

I have seen how employees fall into poverty once they retire and inflation destroys their life savings.

But a catalogue of books can create long-term royalties that can leave a lasting legacy for your family. I help people step into the life of their dreams by writing the book they always wanted to, and I teach them how to turn it into a business.

Writing books will not turn you into an overnight success, but with deliberate action you can supplement your income and eventually free yourself from being a slave to a job.

I teach other new authors how to self publish through getting started author courses, coaching, and setup processes.

You need only three things:

The willingness to start.

To be teachable.

To take action.

The rest of the skills you can learn along the way.

Contact Information:
Company Name
Write Learn and Earn