Laura Lake

Canada|Halifax|Nova Scotia|Other
What I'm looking for:

I’m looking to connect with other individuals to collaborate, spread knowledge & inspiration, and see how we can move each other forward.

What I can offer:

I offer my expertise, character, and skills. You may need help dealing with mental health, high performance, or sustainable lifestyles. You may need someone who is playful & compassionate who makes you feel comfortable. Maybe you need me as a speaker that can give your audience a verbal hug while I discuss the deep stuff openly. I pride myself on constructive vulnerability as one way I show authenticity.

Personal Bio:

As an ENFJ, Laura sees the potential in those around her and strives to help them grow. Whether it's designing healthy buildings or speaking to an audience on stage, Laura is not afraid to show her passion, playfulness and authenticity.

She's the creator of the BEDMAS of Wellness™ system and the author of 2 upcoming books. Laura co-authors "bLU Talks Presents: Business, Life, and the Universe" and is the sole author of "Health Starts With B.""

Laura uses her research and knowledge about sustainable lifestyles to help entrepreneurs improve their mental health for higher performance.

Contact Information: