Luke Trappel

maitland, Australia
What I'm looking for:

New business owners struggling to grow their businesses have different challenges. Upgrading habits, mindset, and language will put you in the best possible position to succeed if you no longer know and have lost your way. Then I want to talk to you. If you are ready to look for the answers, I want to talk to you. Understanding what you are thinking and practicing is key to your personal growth and business growth.

What I can offer:

I offer an entire 90-day program where I work with you one-on-one on mindset, beliefs, feelings, and language. The goal for us to achieve is a complete rebuild of how you see challenges in your everyday life. We will work more on your habits at home and in business. The way we live every day shows up in our business practices. Working on your feelings is very important when you are working on strategy. Our feelings influence our beliefs which give us our mindset. The way we talk in private can tell us about our true feelings and beliefs. Understanding what is holding us back will be vital to changing the fortunes of our business. During these 90-days (12 one-on-one sessions), you will smash all limiting beliefs and unknown blocks so you can live a successful life while running a profitable business.

Personal Bio:

Hello, my name is Luke Trappel. I am a 42-year-old Australian living in Romania. I am married to a wonderful woman. I am a former coal miner, a former union delegate, and a business owner. I have grown and found my path throughout my lifetime. I once thought that my card was stamped, and that was all I ever was going to be and could be. I was fearful of leaving a high-paying job to start something new and venture out into the great unknown. I have my now wife to thank for showing me who I indeed was and who I could be. I have done extensive research and studied with some of the best minds in the world to better myself. From my personal growth journey, I learned that I am capable of anything I choose I want to do. I know how to ask the universe for what I want. I know how to lift my vibrations to live the best I can. I have dreams and goals that will take me far and wide over this world. I love my wife, I love my life, and I love myself. I am funny. I am kind; I am not afraid to tell you what you need to hear. I am the most supportive guy you’ll ever meet, and I will always show up and give my best. I am loyal, and I am me.

Contact Information: