Madeleine Woolgar

Bath, United Kingdom
What I'm looking for:

I’d love to connect with anyone who has an engaged audience of mums who would benefit from a guest expert talk. I do a lot of guest speaking in people’s groups, memberships and podcasts. Feel free to get in touch if you’d like to chat about this.

What I can offer:

My signature talk is about reducing daily battles with your child. This is very popular as many mums can relate to having things like bedtime or leaving the house become battle grounds. My talk normalises these struggles so women feel less alone, and offers simple heart-led tools they can try right away with their child.

Personal Bio:

Madeleine Woolgar is a parent coach, known as the strong-willed child whisperer. She supports busy mums to reduce their child’s more challenging behaviours (from tantrums to hitting/kicking/biting) and to be the calm, confident mum they’d most like to be. Madeleine equips mums with heart-led strategies and mindset tools to both reduce the trickier moments and nurture the mum’s relationship with their child and mental wellbeing. She understands that mums need more than strategy, they need support to have the capacity to actually be able to utilise the strategies in those trickier moments.

Contact Information: