Nikki Ronan

Buffalo, United States
What I'm looking for:

I’m looking for places to share more about the importance of the nonprofit sector, unique approaches to efficacy, and the work of creativity. I have experience speaking for events, on radio shows, on podcasts, and short TV segments.

What I can offer:

I can offer an inspiring, innovative view on the paths to community change and transformation!

Personal Bio:

I am a creative professional with a strong skill set in organizational development, communication, strategic planning, and problem-solving. As a consultant, I am committed to fostering lasting change in communities around the world, by enhancing the effectiveness of nonprofits, social entrepreneurs, and other social change-makers.

Along with the team at City of Light Consulting, I help organizations become their best selves. We approach each organization individually, seeking to help them become more impactful, sustainable, and resilient. Building a scaffolding of services around organizations in need, approaching problems through strategic planning, design, communication, and leadership lenses, we dive into big problems and create innovative solutions.

Contact Information: