Rachel Anderson

York, United Kingdom
What I'm looking for:

Thoughtful, complex, outwardly successful professionals who can feel how their way of perceiving the world is changing and are finding it disorientating. I’m looking for people committed to their personal growth.
But I’m definitely NOT looking for people wanting to “smash their goals”, get up every morning at 5am and crush the competition. If that’s you, sorry – but good luck 🙂

What I can offer:

Holding deep soulful 1:1 space in which you can explore your inner world, gain new perspective and self-awareness and reach a place of radical self acceptance.
I have a self-led online course if you’re not quite ready for that.
And I have a GORGEOUS monthly subscription, including a box of metaphors and wonders delivered to your door to provoke and access deeper levels of subconscious and bring them to conscious awareness.
I speak, and I write, I listen

Personal Bio:

Rachel Anderson left her first career as a forester, growing trees, to pursue her fascination with how people grow instead.

She became an international executive coach, supporting over 1000 leaders 1:1, then stepped back into a corporate leadership role as European Head of Coaching & Facilitation for a global consultancy to see if she could practice what she preached.

She could.

And she realised how much behaviour in the corporate world is still driven by deep, often subconscious fears of inadequacy and even shame.

Rachel dreams of the possibilities of a world where more of us truly know that we are enough; a world with less shame and fear; a world with more Ownership, Acceptance and Kindness (which is the handy acronym OAK).

So she went back to her own company Tea & Empathy to provoke and hold space for incredible leaders as they learn to know they are TRULY enough; relaxed and grounded just being their own natural self. It’s a joyful journey of radical self-acceptance and personal growth.

She’s a social Introvert, playful kickboxer, mum to 3 daughters…and Rachel still likes trees.

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