Rafael John G. Acantilado

What I'm looking for:

I best work with coaches and consultants who seek to help individuals and workplaces improve through:

– Leadership
– Productivity
– Teamwork & Collaboration

I prefer to work with coaches and consultants who are:

– Committed to excellence in serving their clients
– Generous in providing value to their audience
– Solid in their unique stance on improving individual and workplace performance
– Specific with goals not only for their clients but for their own coaching/consulting business as well

What I can offer:

I strongly believe that coaches and consultants can acquire new clients sustainably and predictably, not only relying on referrals (which are out of control) but also on solid audiences which can be built and nurtured.

My framework can help you accomplish this through:

1. Pinpointing leaks in current client-acquisition process;
2. Utilizing platforms where your ideal clients are most engaged with and where they can be optimally nurtured, and;
3. Splintering your core offer to provide value to your audience, equip them for success, and eventually onboard them as clients.

My goal is to help at least 12 coaches and consultants like you every year to build a client-acquisition system that runs with minimal effort so you can focus on making a positive impact on your clients’ lives.

You can schedule a call with me through my booking link below:


You can send me an email at:

Leave no potential impact to chance. You are bound to make that change at will. 

Personal Bio:

Making an impact through coaching and consulting is definitely worthwhile. However, isn’t it a waste if the impact you are bound to make can only benefit a few because clients only come upon chance instead of at will?

With that being said, I help coaches and consultants create predictable and sustainable client-acquisition systems.
