Rishi Patel

London, United Kingdom
What I can offer:

I can offer coaches the tools and skills to create high ticket offers, using the Black Belt Mindset method, which gives them more time & financial freedom. This freedom of choice reconnects them to their purpose and results in serving themselves & others.

Personal Bio:

My sales career started on the hamster wheel when I was a coach, selling low ticket, high volume services and having lots of customers to work with.  Even though I loved the challenge there were quickly too many balls to juggle & it led to me burning out… I’m sure something many of you have of are experiencing with your workload.

The surprising factor that got me off this hamster wheel was my love for martial arts, it reminded me that the way I was living was reactive to my environment, chasing my tail & not being in control of my thoughts & actions.  When I was on the training mat I had focus, control, alignment, power & certainty – what I know call the Black Belt Mindset. I felt alive & connected as I was teaching our next generation of children the values of confidence, leadership & fearlessness through martial arts – this is my passion & purpose, but I wasn’t sure how to step more into that role.

Most coaches want to earn on average £5,000 per month, which means they would need to be selling constantly at least 4 out of 7 days per week. This is because a business coach earns on average only around £170 per hour. Hence the lifestyle that most coaches lead is hard work leading to burnout! This means they end up undercharging for their service because of a lack of confidence, or simply a lack of knowledge on pricing.

Through my own martial arts career, I could clearly see interlinks between the art form, selling & being in alignment. I realised how many interlinks there were with selling in alignment. . Good martial artists are balanced, aware of their environment and adopt a strong stance while still being able to stay flexible and in the flow. ALL the skills required for successful high ticket selling. This is how the Selling to Serve pathway was born and I would love to support more coaches to go through this business transformation.

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