Rodney Daut

Fullerton, United States
What I'm looking for:

I’m looking for opportunities to speak that will allow me to share powerful ideas but also to attract an audience to my offers.

What I can offer:

I can speak on the following topics:

*Head-turning Offers
Listeners are shown the three elements that make an offer as head-turning as hearing their name called out in a crowded room.

*Business Jumpstart: How To Get Started As A Coach Or Consultant In 30 Days
Listeners are shown five elements a new coach or consultant needs to get started (and it’s not a website or business cards).

*The Super Hero Product Launch
Marvel has the most successful movie franchise in history. Listeners learn one element of their success that they can put into practice today to sell more products and services.

*The Newbie Niche Trap (And A Counterintuitive Solution)
Coaches and consultants can get stuck looking for a niche. I show listeners a much easier way to get started that allows them to back into a niche by creating and testing mini-offers.

*Create Super-glue Content (With The Power Of Infotainment)
Listeners will learn how to make articles, books, and courses irresistible using three engaging elements: 1) The seduction of mystery, 2) the power of one and 3) the unexpected.

*Pest-free Follow Up: A Pressureless Way To Follow Up With Potential Clients
Most people hate following up because they hate rejection but also don’t want to bother people. But what if people looked forward to your follow-ups? I show listeners the value-added follow-up approach that they and their future clients will love.

Personal Bio:

Rodney Daut is the author of the Compelling Offer Blueprint which helps coaches and consultants get more clients saying yes to their offers.  He does this by showing them the hidden structure of effective offers.  Since 2003, he has helped coaches who struggled to sell their services keep their practices full of high-paying clients.

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