Roseanney Liu

United States
What I'm looking for:

I’m looking for groups and companies to whom I can speak about:
* motivation
* raising your profile
* parenting kids and tweens
* nonfiction writing – how to

What I can offer:

I can offer 30-60 min speeches to groups, lunch and learns, workshops and seminars on the topics above.

Personal Bio:

Roseanney Liu is the best selling author behind You did WHAT now?! (2017) and How to Survive Elementary School (2017). Her third book Badassery 101: Ten secrets to be the Confident Boss of Your Life was released in 2018, and her 4th book, Mastering Your Inner Game, is an Amazon #1 best seller. Liu is a motivational speaker of self confidence mastery and of parenting. She inspires people to show up to pursue goals with method and resourcefulness. Liu lives her life dedicated to encouraging others to live out loud and she loves international travels.

Contact Information: