susanne naomi baumbach

Berlin, Germany
What I'm looking for:

I am seeking opportunities to serve many people and guest opportunities such as speaking and podcasts.

What I can offer:

I am serving people in teaching them how to live an aligned life so they get to manifest what they wish for.
My offers are two programs named Thinking into Results and Millionare that shook my old beliefs about me and enabled me to thrive far beyond what I ever imagined.

Personal Bio:

y there! What you likely may not know about me…I spent myself living most of my life, where I didn’t listen to my intuition. Because the truth was, I spent most of my life with a very low-self image, not understanding how powerful and worthy I was.

And because of this, the Universe placed me in several situations that reflected my own self-worth, where I got involved into situations, and attracted people who valued and treated me as little as I valued myself.
After taking this crazy path, raising 5 kids, and leaving my marriage, I chose to take a different path that forever changed my world, and is now changing the lives of my 5 beautiful children.
I looked within, got back into alignment with my true self and discovered who I true was. I discovered all the beliefs I took on and inherited by parents who didn’t know better. And actively started to change them.
And once I did, everything in my world has changed. I now spend my days, showing amazing individuals how they too can live beautiful, aligned meaningful lives doing what they love.
And I am so excited to show you how to exactly step into your true divine path, so you step into your 2022, setting yourself up to thrive and pursue your highest calling.