Virginia Gunn

Barcelona, Spain
What I'm looking for:

Opportunities to speak at summits, on panels, in a course or mastermind or at other events. Opportunities to be interviewed on podcasts. Opportunities to write guest blog posts and book chapters (or parts thereof). Any kind of mutually-beneficial collaboration with likeminded people that can cut the work and boost our reach and results.

What I can offer:

I can offer coaching, consulting, writing, translation, teaching, help with some tech tools, introductions within my networks.

Personal Bio:

I help successful leaders reach their next level of focus, productivity, adaptability, and harmony while also ramping up results and satisfaction in their teams. I have twenty years of varied consulting and training experience in a variety of companies, a master’s degree in Cognitive Psychology, and certifications in Tiny Habits, Business Coaching/Consulting and Positive Intelligence mental fitness. I offer dynamic and effective coaching, consulting and workshops globally.

Contact Information: