Wendy Andrew

Glasgow, United Kingdom
What I can offer:

I would be delighted to spread the word about the existence of the Pet Bereavement Support industry by public speaking, media appearances, writing articles and guest blogs. I can also offer consultancy to corporate clients and am keen to help implement pet bereavement leave to HR policies in an attempt to combat Disenfranchised Grief which is grief that is not acknowledged or supported in society.

Personal Bio:

I am a qualified Pet Bereavement Counsellor who studied with The International School for Canine Psychology and Behaviour Ltd. prior to opening The Scottish Pet Bereavement Counselling Service.

I initially studied pet bereavement counselling in order to support my own dog walking clients however quickly realised that this service should be available to everyone everywhere and brought the business online.

I have been a vegetarian since the age of 14 due to my love of animals and am an advocate for animal welfare. I am committed to providing a holistic service to my counselling clients and am also a qualified meditation teacher. I have studied various practices and techniques in order to support my clients through the grieving process and have self-published an Amazon Best Selling book called How To Recover From Pet Loss – Supporting You On Your Journey To Acceptance.

Contact Information:
Company Name
The Scottish Pet Bereavement Counselling Service