Do you know what to do more of and less of?

We have a question for you: When did you last stop to review what you did — last week? Last month? Last year? Yesterday?!

There’s a massive value in taking a step back at times, especially at the end of something ‘big’ — like a launch, the creation of a course, the finishing of your book. These ‘campaign’ led things warrant result checking.

But so do the smaller things. That email you just sent to a client that got a great response. The conversation you had with your supplier that left you frustrated. This bout of creativity after changing when you write your content. ALL of it benefits from review. So you can do more of what works, and less of what doesn’t.

You have finite time and other resources to hand.

Get good at reviewing and thinking about what you can do more of that brings in your revenue, that builds relationships, that gets you organised is vital. It doesn’t take long. Let us give you an example. When we run a 5 day challenge in our Facebook group, The Connection Hub (hyperlink) we each make notes separately on what we want to improve on, what we can change and what we should add or strip away.

After the challenge finishes, we get together about 48–72 hours later to talk it through, so that our next challenge(s) can benefit from all we’ve learned. All in all, it will likely take about 30 minutes or less. The notes we’ve been making along the way help that, but the allocation of time to just talk it through / write it out is the key. Capturing it whilst it’s fresh means you can set yourself up for next time now. Efficiency is built up by building in the time to review just after something happens.

An invitation to evaluate.

It’s time for you to do something that will help your speaker, author, coach business. Sit down and work out the answers to these questions. What have you done that you can learn from and apply to other similar tasks that happen in your business? What would it take for you to set aside a small amount of time to just work through what you can do better next time, and put the process in now?

Whilst you are at it, build in a 15 minute review at the end of anything you do; you’ll thank yourself that you did and your business will love you for it.

If you want any support to do this, reach out for a call or join The Connection Hub to get access to over 200 resources to keep you growing your speaker, author, coach business.

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