It’s the ‘real’ start of the year this week. Most people will have been clearing the decks, getting back into things after the holiday season and we hope that’s how it is for you.
This is a great time to ensure that you really know where you are going. Yes you’re likely hitting the ground running this week, but have you stopped to ensure that the foundations of your speaker, author, coach business are in place?
Not just keeping going, but actually stopping to evaluate what needs to shift, change or get added (or taken away). It’s really important to do this. Because things do change, we change, and circumstances change. So take some time out to think about what will work for you this year, rather than just doing ‘business as usual’ without checking that it’s going to continue to generate the results you want.
If you want any support to do this, reach out for a call or join The Connection Hub to get access to over 200 resources to keep you growing your speaker, author, and coach business.