Andrea Hubbert

Milwaukee, United States
What I'm looking for:


For a good time, call me! I love partnering with event hosts to bring complex concepts to life in dynamic, relatable and engaging ways for their unique audiences. It’s always fun for me to share my 20+ years of public relations and copywriting knowledge in a way that I know will help those I’m speaking to move forward with their projects.

Here are my four most requested topic areas:

1. Brand building through public relations
2. Storytelling for small biz growth
3. Five tips for writing captivating copy
4. Best ways to build buzz right now

“Andrea is a gem! Her ability to break down ideas clearly and thoroughly while helping business owners understand their audience is priceless. She’s a master of her craft and truly shines every time she steps up on stage!” — I. Alrawi, email marketing strategist + deliverability specialist

What I can offer:


1. Copy reviews + editing — Launching a new project can be s-t-r-e-s-s-f-u-l. Consider this your invitation to step away from the case of vodka staring you down from the bar cart and let me carry a bit of the load for you instead!
2. Custom copywriting projects — Wouldn’t it be great to have a copywriting fairy godmother in your back pocket? You know, someone you can call on when you need a bit of help creating content that will connect with your audience.
3. PR power hour — It’s all happening… and you don’t want to miss your opportunity. Good! Let me give you an unbiased assessment of how media ready you currently are… and what it would take to improve.
4. Hair-on-Fire tech session — Let me work with you to automate key processes and workflows within your biz so that you can get back to more important things.

“Andrea continually opens my eyes to new perspectives and approaches to creating content that will grow my brand. She knows how to go beneath the surface and identify core elements of every challenge I bring to her.” — R. Stewart, business strategist

Personal Bio:

I am a disruptor… since an early age. So said my middle school teachers who sent me home with daily report cards because I wouldn’t stop talking in class.

My methods may have changed since then, but my spirit remains the same.

Today, I’m a public relations strategist and copywriter who helps musicians (and other creative rock stars) be intentional in the ways they connect with their audiences.

Yep… I start conversations and pass notes for a living. Take that, Mrs. Dansby!

But seriously, there’s something magical about taking the conversational traits that I started honing way back in middle school and skillfully using them to help my  clients get clear on their unique messages, amplify their most compelling stories and position themselves for the greatest impact. Probably with cocktails.

Contact Information: