Julie Foucht

California, United States
What I'm looking for:

I’m looking for guests that can speak to topics such as: money, entrepreneurship, femininity, spirituality, and mindset etc.

The Art of Feminine Business Podcast empowers women to create a profitable 6- or 7- figure business in a way that aligns with their feminine essence and their natural genius.

What I can offer:

I am very active on social media and promote my own podcast episodes on all social media platforms. Also, I have an active email list of about 2000 organic subscribers and will be sending out a promo email to my list when your episode publishes.

There are several topics that Julie can address. Here is one to start with (this can be worded many different ways): Feminine Marketing for women entrepreneurs, The Energy of Money, Business Coaching, etc.

“I’m Not a Man in a Petticoat”, How to get paid by being dangerously different: The Art of Feminine Business

Here are some possible interview questions:

– Tips to activate your Feminine Power Centers making you more creative, better at solving problems and more able to think outside the box so that your products and programs stand out as unique and highly sought after.
– Keys to understanding your perfect clients intimately so that your marketing is magnetic, enrollment conversations flow easily and prospects say YES to working with you.
– Everyday money practices that allow for more flow and more profit.
– Marketing strategies that support a freedom lifestyle while you build a 6-Figure business.

Personal Bio:

When Julie Foucht decided she needed to take her coaching business seriously, she hired a high-end coach and learned to ‘market like a man.’ She doubled, then tripled her income in less than a year, but felt drained, uninspired and restless.

Urged by Spirit, she embraced her essential Feminine and birthed a new way, The Art of Feminine Business.

Today, Julie teaches female coaches, teachers and healers who are frustrated with traditional formulas, how to build 6-figure businesses that honor their feminine essence.

Julie’s clients report having clearer vision of their divine purpose, greater passion for their work, the skills to be attracting the perfect clients, and are being paid well for their gifts.  

Julie received her coach certification in 2006 from The Coaches Training Institute. She has served on the boards of numerous non-profits, and was named Woman of the Year by the Professional Women’s Network of the Monterey Peninsula in 2013.

She is married to the love of her life, has 4 children, 2 stepchildren, 2 furry babies and 8 spoiled grandchildren.

Contact Information:
Company Name
The Art of Feminine Business