Roberta Weber

Glasgow, United Kingdom
What I'm looking for:

The inheritance of wellbeing is a relatively new concept within science. It is now realised that greater than 85% of our health is due to epigenetic factors and those factors are able to be changed. My work focuses on the inheritance of trauma and how new and old medicine alike can be harnessed to release both acquired and inherited characteristics that are linked to trauma. I’m looking for people who want to talk about the science as well as the ‘woo’ of healing transgenerational inheritances. I’m also looking for individuals who are ready to step away from the hidden dynamics that have kept them in dis-ease and step into wellbeing and legacy in a whole new way (i.e. coaching clients).

What I can offer:

I can offer a rounded view of both current science as well as ancient healing method explanations of transgenerational inheritance – through either written articles or as a guest speaker.

Personal Bio:

I help leaders (you!) ensure past traumas become functional legacy using focused and precise mind-body medicine online.

Would you willingly go through your life wearing someone else’s coat or shoes – or would you keep wearing the same clothes as you did in childhood? That is exactly what you do when you don’t address subconscious biases and old mindsets. Humans were built to adapt and change to the environment – essentially resetting the impact of the stories of the past. Doing so allows you to fully live your one wild and precious life.

Now, put this change into context. You inherited charged emotions, and belief systems that have kept your body’s physiology in a mode of readiness that would have suited your ancestors (or the child in you). When you change the influence of those old stories, you change how you show up daily and what is handed down. Anyone who interacts with you will respond differently due to your changed internal expression. And when you are gone, you will be passing down the clarity that you wished you received. Because in that clarity there is freedom to respond to what is truly happening – and don’t you think the future generations are going to need that?

Your legacy is living YOUR life. I can ensure you get there smoothly and emerge empowered.

Contact Information:
Company Name
Roberta Weber Wellbeing and Legacy Coach