Sunil Varma

Birmingham, United Kingdom
What I'm looking for:

I’m looking to work with the following..
Business Owners , Athletes, Coaches, Speakers, Vegan and Wellness Companies and CEOs and Authors.

What I can offer:

I offer group coaching and One on one coaching.

Personal Bio:

Sunil is an evolution into spiritual awareness.  He transformed his own life into the highest dimension, with great clarity and electric connectors into pure consciousness.  His heart-center represents an infused balance of peace and love. His intuitive nature seeks to help others heal themselves.  His spiritual enlightenment and scientific knowledge provides structure for others seeking their own life successes. He seeks to provide grace, humanity and hope, providing authentic inspiration to those that are lost.  He demonstrates that identity is a mere illusion.  He manifests transcendent power to help break free of destructive patterns and preconceived ideas.

All healing begins and ends on a spiritual level.  Sunil promotes a careful balance of self-healing and well-being, strengthening the psyche and immune system. His electro-magnetic frequency of pure, restorative energy can be transferred with mere intent, as we are universally connected on an energetic level (which is supported by quantum physics).  The transference of energy will energize the mind, body and spirt.  You will discover your life force and vibrate energetically from within, positively reflecting every facet of life.  

Sunil works solely for the light and commits to serving humanity. His intuitive inner guidance enables him to sense the emotions of others and he strives to alleviate pain and despair.  His goal is to let love and light flow through his words, actions and luminous guidance.  Lightwork also assist in releasing the binding hold of ancestral traumas, dissipating negative karma and birthing an unblemished, new lineage. 

Contact Information: