Tony Brooks

Nottingham, United Kingdom
What I'm looking for:

To help people in the community and their contacts in developing a winning leadership mindset, positive organisational culture and clarity through strategic direction.

To develop relationships where we can help each other

What I can offer:

I can offer support and advice on Leadership Mindset and Organisational Culture and other core aspects of Leadership.

I have two free resources – my leadership diagnostic on thew company website home page and my ‘Leadership Mindset’ podcast series.

I would also like to offer friendship, support and help wherever I can.

Personal Bio:

I am an International Leadership Coach, Trainer, Psychologist, Author and Speaker.

I believe leaders are continually focused on an ever-expanding list of things to do, which creates stress and a lack of clarity. Only by finding the space to shift their thinking and see their world differently, will they do the right things to improve their results and happiness.

The pace of change is huge and Leaders must change the way they ‘Think’, ‘See’ & ‘Do’ to survive and thrive.

I believe this fundamentally starts with Leadership Mindset and the importance of Self Leadership.

Contact Information: