Viv Guy

Liverpool, United Kingdom
What I'm looking for:

I’m looking for guest speakers who can bring simple, no nonsense training to my group. Covering all things from copywriting & SEO self care and mindset.

I’m looking for opportunities to collaborate and look at a potential joint venture, so if you have an audience that we could both mutually benefit without conflict it would be great to connect.

What I can offer:

I offer talks and training on all things growing a profitable business around your family. I’m passionate about busting the myth that you can only reach the levels of success you desire by working at least 9-5 hours and helping mums design the life they want and build a business to fit that.
Talks include:
1. The 5 things that every mum in business needs
2. Grow a 5k biz around the kids
3. Landing those leads
4. Productivity for profits

Personal Bio:

Viv Guy is a Business Coach passionate about helping mums realise their potential in business and grow to consistent £5k months all around the school run.

Viv knows that setting up and growing a business as a mum is tough. From 80 hour work weeks pre kids to 20 hour work weeks post kids, she knows that building a profitable business while having a work life balance is tough. Throw in the constant noise of all the ‘shoulds, must, haves and need tos’ to grow a successful business and be a model mum and you suddenly find yourself feeling like you’re treading water and feeling pretty underwhelmed by life.

A born entrepreneur. Setting up her first business from scratch at the age of 22 and growing it to a turnover of £1.5 million a year, Viv has learnt what it is to grow businesses from scratch. After setting up her second business as a photographer post kids Viv realised how tough it was not only with kids but with all the pressures from the so-called experts telling you what to do. It was only after two years of suffering serial ‘procrastinitis’ and struggling that Viv discovered that building a business on your terms is possible, you just have to put the pieces of the jigsaw puzzle in the right order.  Viv is the Clarity Coach for mums.

Viv helps her clients go from stuck to booked.

Viv Lives in Lancashire with her husband and 2 young daughters and 5 chickens (named after Disney and Octonaught characters) and can be often found knee deep in mud in the garden or sat enjoying a glass of wine and a slab of cake on the deck!


Contact Information: