Karen Skidmore

Hindhead, Surrey, United Kingdom
What I'm looking for:

Business owners who need help with the strategy of their business growth – they may have lots of tactics going on, but they don’t have the right team, processes or business model in place to grow and scale.

Speaking opportunities on the energy and flow of business growth and how to scale without burning out.

What I can offer:

Free online business assessment to see where your business may be out of alignment.

Personal Bio:

Karen Skidmore is a business mentor with 25+ years experience and specialises in teaching something she calls True Profit™ where she uniquely combines the being-ness and doing-ness of business. There is a big burn out problem right now as many entrepreneurs and business leaders are trying to drive their business and mission forward. She sees that people often need to take a breath and discover where they are out of balance before they simplify their strategy and approach to business growth.

Her True Profit Test is the first business assessment tool that focuses on the energies that either fuel you or burn you out. So before you decide on your next marketing strategy or launch your next programme, this is your first step to discovering a simpler and more profitable way of growing your business. www.KarenSkidmore.com/testthetest

Listen to Karen’s podcast here https://karenskidmore.com/podcast/ and order her book, True Profit Business, on all major book sites.

Contact Information: